Guinea World Skin Health Day 2025 / International Congress of Dermatology, CONAKRY, Guinea 21/01/2025 – 24/01/2025

Dear colleagues and partners,

Welcome to World Skin Health Day Guinea 2025!

For its 6th edition, World Skin Health Day Guinea 2025 will be celebrated in Guinea under the auspices of the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD). Here is the schedule:

January 17 to 19, 2025:

  • Free skin care for the community in the Kankan prefecture.

January 21 to 24, 2025:

  • An international dermatology congress accredited by UEMS-EACCME®.
  • Over 300 scientific presentations covering all dermatology topics.
  • Participation of world leaders in dermatological sciences from all continents.

Importance of Skin Diseases

Skin diseases are among the most common human ailments. According to the World Health Organization, over 900 million people worldwide have skin diseases at any given time. Moreover, the 11th revision of the WHO International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) lists more than 2,000 skin or skin-related diseases. Additionally, the AAD recognizes over 3,000 skin diseases.

About World Skin Health Day

World Skin Health Day is a joint project of the International League of Dermatological Societies (ILDS) and the International Society of Dermatology (ISD). Since 2013, it has been held worldwide to raise awareness and treat various skin conditions.

By participating in World Skin Health Day Guinea 2025, we can:

  • Raise awareness of the impact of skin conditions.
  • Support people needing treatment within their local communities.

To learn more about the campaign, please visit

History of World Skin Health Day in Guinea

Since 2020, the Conakry Dermatological Clinic, in collaboration with Guinean universities, has organized free activities for World Skin Health Day. These activities are open to the public and non-dermatologist health professionals.

2020 and 2021 Editions:

  • Over 1,730 people from the Loos Islands community (KASSA) benefited from free skincare and medication distribution.
  • This was featured in the ILDS and ISD Journal Media (Spring 2021) Vol. 15, No. 1 (p. 19).

2022 Edition:

  • 277 albinos from John Paul II Hospital received free care, including treatment of precancerous lesions with trichloroacetic acid.
  • There was also free sunscreen distribution from our partner INOYAH.
  • This was highlighted in the ILDS and ISD Journal (Fall 2021) Vol. 15, No. 2 (p.15).

2023 Edition:

  • Over 1,300 people from the Boké prefecture community benefited from free care and medication distribution.

2024 Edition:

  • Over 800 people in the Kindia prefecture will receive free skin care, medication distribution, and skin health awareness.

Our Mission

Effective management of skin disorders involves:

  • Better knowledge.
  • Excellent training in dermatology.

Our goal is to make quality resources easily accessible. Consequently, this allows colleagues and other professionals involved in the management of skin diseases to acquire better knowledge for optimal patient care.

Upcoming Conference

During the Guinea World Skin Health Day and since 2020, we have combined:

  • Free skincare for the community.
  • An accredited international dermatology congress with free access.

Our upcoming conference promises to be:

  • Informative and transformative.
  • Covering themes from cutting-edge diagnostics and therapeutics to the intersection of digital health in dermatology.

Together, we will recognize and promote skin health around the world.

Congress scientific committee

Prof. Brigitte DRENO (Chair)

Prof. Jean BOLOGNIA (Co-Chair)

Prof. Mohammad JAFFERANY

Prof. Rashmi Sarkar

Prof. Dr. Carmen Cerdeira

Prof. H. Peter SOYER

Dr. Mathilde IORIZZO

Prof. Asmahen SOUISSI

Prof. Torello Lotti

Prof. Roxanna Sadoughifar

Dr. Gamal Duweb

Dr. Mohamed Bengazil

Prof. Maryanne Makredes Senna

Dr. Ítalo Aloise 

Prof. Rapelanoro Rabenja

Prof. Samira ZOBIRI

Dr. Maria – Angeliki Gkini

Prof. Giovanni DAMIANI

Prof. Mokni Mourad

Prof. Robert A. Schwartz

Prof. John Paoli

Dr. Nazim Khaled BENMEHIDI


Prof. M. Petronic-Rosic Vesna

Prof. Monika Fida

Prof. Mohsin AL-DHALIMI

Prof. Grover Chander

Prof. Enas ATTIA

Prof. Hamida TURKI

Prof. V. Godse Kiran

Prof. Dominique TENNSTEDT

Dra. Starace Michela Valeria Rita

Prof. Georgi TCHERNEV

Dr. Leonardo Mayorga